Unfortunately another one of the best blogs out there, the original
Lost In Tyme blog, was recently deleted. Despite the fact that the majority (if not all) of the albums shared there are out of print, their blog was removed for violating the TOS. At the moment they are currently searching for new host for their blog, but the url below will serve as a temporary replacement. All news concerning the fate of Lost In Tyme will be posted there. They have also come up with a great idea called the '100 Mirrors Project' to ensure that this doesn't happen again. If you would like to help them out, simply visit their page and read the post concerning the 100 Mirrors Project. All of the details are posted there. It's great to see bloggers uniting to save one another. Hopefully we'll see more of this in the future and put an end to to the foolish deletions of blogs which material that is out of print or otherwise unavailable.
Lost-In-Tyme: http://lostintymem.blogspot.com/