Saturday, April 19, 2008

Criteria For Being Listed - Please Read Before Submitting Your Blog

This blogroll has grown much larger than I ever could have anticipated. In order to ensure the overall quality of the blogroll, I'm going to require that certain criteria are met before blogs make it in the list. Please read over these requirements before requesting that I add your blog to the list.

  1. Blogs which focus only on currently released material will not be listed. I'm interested in listing blogs which feature rare or out of print material. Anything released within the last couple of years certainly couldn't be considered rare, and more than likely can still be easily obtained. Blogs which primarily share mixes, podcasts, compilations, and unsigned artists are the exception to this rule.

  2. No pop-ups. Blogs with pop-up ads will not be added to the list. Also, if your blog is riddled with ads I will most likely assume that your primary goal is to make money rather than share music, and your blog will not be added

  3. Blogs that are less than a month old, or have fewer than 20 posts will not be added. I've seen a lot of blogs disappear almost as soon as they start, which is my reason for this rule. This list isn't going to disappear, so please be patient and submit your blog once it has surpassed this mark.

  4. Don't forget to include the category that you would like your blog to be listed under. Feel free to suggest a new category if your blog falls under a particular genre that isn't listed. I personally visit every blog on this list, but I don't have time to browse through your entire archive. Try to avoid using the 'Various/Eclectic' category unless there is absolutely no other category that your blog could fall under. If your blog primarily posts punk rock, but you share the occasional classical or jazz album, then your blog belongs in the punk rock category.

If your blog fails to the criteria, do not fret. There are plenty of other great aggregators and blog lists, which I'm sure would be more than happy to list you, and conveniently enough, you can find them right here.

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