It became a play of living room so that the psychologists of amateur and the readers’ tabloid speculate about the reasons behind troubles of Lindsay Lohan with alcohol and the narcotics, which can unload it in prison following two recent arrests. A certain point with the volatile report/ratio of Lohan with it ex-swindle the father. Others consider the abuse substance the inevitable side effect of any regular social contact with Paris Hilton or Nicole Richie. However, a viewing of its last film indicates the possibility of cooling of all: The experiment to hold the first role in something also light and laughable that I know who killed to me would carry out with no matter whom the test to drown their pain. Released Friday without siftings anticipated for the pressure, the new account with suspense has the girl of part of Hollywood in two different and appearances unflattering also. First is Aubrey, a young student of university and suction author. In a history which it aloud reads in the class, it describes the unhappy life of Dakota, a worried fish knife which is also played by Lohan in the fragmentary scenes which can be returns behind, imagination schedules or right the excuse of a certain film producer to obtain to him out of it clothing. After the body of Aubrey the comrade of class absent is discovered, the police force carry out that a periodic killer attacks on young women, torturing them by cutting down their members. Enough sure, Aubrey disappear, to be only found in a ditch a few weeks later - it alive but is disappeared hand and a leg, just like the first victim. It also makes the complaint that it is Dakota, not Aubrey. Its transformation of good girl to bad is announced by its will to drop F-bends it and the heat with the friend of Aubrey of carpet with long hairs. The parents of Aubrey Daniel (Neal McDonough) and Susan (Julia Ormond) are just horrified, but neither they nor the police force can remove it from this illusion. It is not the first time that Lohan was moulded in a double role - it made its beginning of screen in 1998 remake trap of relative.
However with its executions here, it seems hell-yielded on the box room of all the vestiges of Disney-sanctioned innocence. Although Lohan does not seem naked, the onstage of striking and rectifying Dakota is sinister abundance. There are also copiers quantities of blood and spindle in the scenes of Aubrey divided by the killer.The of director Chris Sivertson savors the occasion to let Lohan go at these new ends. But its posting worrying of individual-depreciation is the only thing forcing me remotely approximately know which killed me, which finishes with a series of revelations which so odd and are badly conceived, the manuscript could be only written on a genuine bending machine of the proportions of Bukowskian (or perhaps Lohanian). The final result is as toxic as its blood circulation after one night on the city.
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