Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Butcher, the Chef, and the Swordsman (2011)

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Download film The Butcher, the Chef, and the Swordsman (2011)

English Review
A tale of revenge, honor and greed follows a group of misfits that gets involved with a kitchen cleaver made from the top five swords of the martial arts world in this wild and brash action comedy.

Sinopsis Indonesia
Sebuah kisah balas dendam, kehormatan dan keserakahan mengikuti sekelompok orang aneh yang terlibat dengan pisau dapur yang terbuat dari lima pedang atas dunia seni bela diri dalam aksi komedi liar dan kurang ajar.
Release Date: 18 March 2011
Genre: Action | Comedy
Cast: Masanobu Ando, You Benchang, Liu Xiaoye
Quality: DVDScr
Subtitle: English Hardsub
Download Film / Movie The Butcher, the Chef, and the Swordsman (2011)
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